About Me!

Hi! My name is Jaira (Ha-e-rA) Munoz Zavala. I'm an undergraduate in Arizona State University. I'm double majoring in Forensic Science and Fine Arts, Sculpture. It has been interesting to drive between the Tempe and the Glendale campuses. At ASU West, I volunteer in Dr. Weidner's Forensic Entomology laboratory. Thanks to her, I had the opportunity to present in ESA (Entomology Society of America), NAFEA (North American Forensic Entomology), and WAESO (Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities). I started by assisting in a decomposition research to analyze the initial arrival of insects and arthropods to remains in Phoenix. Now, I'm focusing in Chrysomya Rufifacies, This is an invasive blow fly that eats the larvae of other native blow flies. Right now, I'm researching their oviposition preferences. Also, last semester, I started volunteering in Dr. Kanthaswamy DNA Laboratory. Here, I assist during the DNA extraction of blood samples. I used to focus in surr...