
Showing posts from September, 2021

Online Presence Sept/03/2021

 Current Online Presence  As of now (09/03/21) I don’t have too much online presence. Thanks to the galleries’ shows I’ve been in, one can search my name and find some information about me—mostly about my art pieces.  I have an Instagram. At the beginning, my goal was to only post about my Art work. However, I barely post anything. At the most once every few months. I mostly use it to communicate with friends. Likewise, I ignored my Facebook account and page for awhile. My excuse is that I’m not photogenic nor I have anything to share about.  I created a LinkedIn account few years ago because a friend insisted on it. I think I opened it once or twice. He was the only contact I had.  Also, few months ago, one of the galleries invited me to open a Alignable account. I don’t have much intention of creating a small business, but I haven’t taken advantage of the things this website offers.  In one of my semesters, I was required to create a Handshake account. I created it, but didn’t use be