Factors influencing participation of underrepresented students in STEM fields
Factors influencing participation of underrepresented students in STEM fields
(and my own influences)
According to the article,
there are multiple factors that affect the participation of students in the STEM
field. These can be intrinsic psychological and external environmental variables.
The article, focuses in the intrinsic psychological factors. It mentions that
the academic mindset are keys beliefs of a student. For instance, it was
already discussed before the different between a growth mindset and fixed
mindset. A student with a fixed mindset will most likely fail to achieve the
goal because they will fail to try after failing once. On the other hand, a student
with growth mindset will continue trying, and learning from mistakes. Another factor
is the feeling of belonging in STEM. Having this feeling will have a positive impact
on academic achievement and retention in STEM.
I believe that my identity
affected my mindset. My parents always reminded that they work hard so that my
sister an I would get a job in a STEM field or related. We both are first
generation to go to college. Thus, I believe that influenced me to study
forensics at the same time I study arts.
I did not have any in real
life role models when I was child. I lived in a community were only people in a
upper-middle and upper class had a professional job. My generation from lower-middle
class was the first one to attend college. Still, many of the people I knew,
were forced to work and eventually give up their studies. My only roles were
fictional characters in television. Here in America, my role models are some of
my teachers who shared their stories and what paths they took to achieved their
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